About Meghan

Meghan Rogacki is an Intuitive Guide and Self Discovery Coach who has been practicing intuitive energy work since 2017. She works with her client’s energetic field to tune into what is most present and then brings that information from the energetic plane into conscious awareness, so that it can be fully integrated. She works with clients to clear energetic blockages, align their energy bodies, expand their possibilities and perspectives, and connect with their own inner knowing. She helps her clients access clear guidance, which empowers them to heal from past traumas, shift unwanted patterns, manifest their heartfelt dreams and align with their highest selves.  Each session and service is unique and rooted in the present.

Meghan began offering her gifts after embarking on her own personal transformation journey, which began after she exited her corporate career (for the first time) and started her own day spa. Meghan had achieved many things: two master’s degrees at the age of 22, a six figure salary and promising corporate career by 27, her own day spa by 28, a loving husband and beautiful family, and the list goes on. But, even “having it all” she felt like something was missing, she still didn’t have the right answer, something was still off.

This led her to search for answers, and shortly after beginning this journey she realized that what she was truly looking for was herself. Somewhere along the way of growing up and navigating life in this world, she lost that connection to her essence, to her soul self, and it was calling her back home. This profound journey of personal awakening sparked a passion in her, to share this path with as many people as possible so that they too could come home to themselves and connect with a deep sense of happiness and purpose - to live their lives aligned to their highest selves, to realize the immense possibility that life has to offer.

Her path has included the study of many subjects, including Reiki, Feng Shui, Shamanism, Meditation, Holistic Nutrition, Astrology, and Transformative Coaching. As well as traditional education with Master’s degrees in both Communication and Business Administration (MBA). With her multi-disciplinary approach, she offers her clients a truly unique experience that empowers them to overcome their obstacles and live the life they really want.

She believes that at our core we all have a deep sense of knowing, and she provides her clients the confirmation they need to help awaken this knowing within. It is her mission to open new doors for her clients and to walk with them down the path to new possibilities!

Discovery comes from within — and I’m here to help you illuminate it.