Frequently Asked Questions

  • Everything is Energy – Our bodies have an electromagnetic field - the energy in and around our bodies tells a story about us, our strengths, challenges, current health conditions, and ultimately illustrates a holistic picture of our entire well-being. The way energy is moving affects our physical bodies, to include circulation, organ function, and even injuries. Whenever we want to make changes in our lives, we must shift the energy that is flowing through our bodies. This shift can be done unintentionally, but can also be done with purpose and intentionality.

    What Impacts Our Energy – Vibrational frequencies are emitted by our thoughts, emotions, movements, as well as the food we eat and our physical environment. We can shift the energy in our bodies by looking at these factors as a holistic picture and exploring where we want to make adjustments. Receiving energy work from a trained professional can assist in the process of shifting our energy by exposing and opening blockages, as well as identifying areas where we need to focus our intentions most.

    Intention is Everything - Your intentions impact how your energy flows and you can shift your energy through purposeful intention setting. If you are not setting intentions, it does not mean you do not have them, it just means that you are operating from a default set of beliefs, of which you may or may not be aware. There are many tools you can use to purposely set your intentions and focus your energy where you want it, to include mantras, journaling, meditation, affirmations, and many others.

  • Energy Work is an intuitive art that involves accessing your body’s unique energetic frequency. A practitioner manipulates the energy flows to clear energetic blockages and restore balance in the energy body.

    Reiki, specifically, is an ancient Japanese form of energy work that involves balancing the energy flows in your body. Rei - means ‘God’s wisdom or the higher power’ and Ki - means ‘life force energy.’ It is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. It is similar to acupuncture, but instead of using needles to move the energy, the practitioner uses her hands.

    Reiki is a versatile natural healing modality that can help with all types of imbalances and ailments. Reiki is great for many things, but especially beneficial for:

    • Creating deep relaxation

    • Reducing stress and tension

    • Providing relief from headaches, muscle tension and other aches and pains

    • Promoting better sleep

    • Clearing the mind and improving focus

    • Increasing energy levels so you feel motivated and prepared to take on each day

    • Creating balance between body, mind, and spirit

  • Chakras are the 7 main Energy centers of the body. We have many centers of energy throughout our bodies; however, there are 7 main points that can be worked with to affect our entire energetic field:

    • The Root Chakra – This chakra is located at the base of your spine and is your source of grounding. It relates to your awareness of your physical body and your confidence. Imbalances in this area may be linked to weight problems, insomnia, addictions, back pain, or problems with legs. It is typically associated with the color red.

    • The Sacral Chakra – This chakra is located in the pelvic area and rules your ability to relate to the world/others and foster healthy relationships. Imbalances in this area may be linked to lower back/hip issues, guilt, dependency, mood swings, or cramps. It is typically associated with the color orange.

    • The Solar Plexus Chakra – This chakra is located in the abdomen and is your source of personal power, self-esteem, growth, and sense of purpose. Imbalances in this area may be linked to food allergies, stomach issues, obesity, perfectionism, worries, mistrust, inability to relax, or stubbornness. It is typically associated with the color yellow.

    • The Heart Chakra – This chakra is located in the chest at the heart level and is your source of love for yourself and others. It is also the center of joy. Imbalances in this area may be linked to heart attacks, lung issues, secretiveness, inability to let go, or high blood pressure. It is typically associated with the color green.

    • The Throat Chakra – This chakra is located in the throat area and rules your ability to speak your truth and communicate effectively with others.  Imbalances in this area may be linked to sore throat, neck issues, thyroid issues, ear issues, tendency to criticize others, self-criticism, or difficulty articulating thoughts. It is typically associated with the color blue.

    • The Third Eye Chakra – This chakra is located near the middle of your forehead and is your connection to your insight and intuition. It also allows for clear thought and inner vision. Imbalances in this area may be linked to headaches, muscle spasms in the face, anxiety, scattered thoughts, poor memory, tiredness, eye issues, hearing issues, or congestion. It is typically associated with the color indigo.

    • The Crown Chakra – This chakra is located near the top of your head and is linked to your consciousness and connection to your higher self – it rules knowledge and wisdom. Imbalances in this area may be linked to depression, lack of purpose, distrust, rigidity of beliefs, seizures, or skin rashes. It is typically associated with the color violet.

  • Feng Shui is a practice that manipulates the Chi or Energy of a space to make sure it is supportive of you and your goals. FENG means WIND & SHUI (pronounced Shway) means WATER – Wind & Water carry Chi (the energy of life). Since the majority of our bodies are comprised of water & air, our bodies are directly impacted by how the Chi flows in our environments.

    There are 3 types of Chi:

    • Heaven/Universe Chi – the energy from the heavens or the universe, the cosmic influence

    • Human Chi – the energy of individual human beings, your own personal energy created by your thoughts and emotions

    • Earth Chi – the energy of the earth and the natural world, our environment

    All 3 types of Chi are in a constant and ever-changing dance with one another and by working intentionally with these influences we can create magic that brings about wonderful opportunities and circumstances in our lives and allows us to live from and in alignment with our highest selves.

    Intentional Feng Shui

    One of the core principles in Feng Shui is that each sector of your home represents an aspect of your life. Therefore, each section can reinforce or hinder (depending on the layout, decoration, colors, clutter and other factors) the qualities associated with it. When we examine what is going on in certain areas of our home we can identify how it is linked to what is going on in that area of our life as well. Making changes to the home can then bring about shifts in these areas of life, bringing us into alignment.